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The Problem With Consuming Empty Carbs

What exactly is the problem with consuming empty carbs?


Empty carbs are carbs that have been processed and stripped of most of their nutritional value and fiber content. They are found in all white flours and its pastries, processed grains (which have the outer layer removed), pastas, sweeteners of all kinds (including sugar - brown and white, honey, syrups of all kinds - even the natural ones) juices and soft drinks.

Why is that a problem??

In the absence of fiber, there is no moderation of the rate in which sugar enters the blood, and a roller coaster begins: A sharp rise in blood sugar is soon followed by a sharp drop. From a subconscious point of view, this sharp drop is interpreted as "hunger, emergency and a threat to survival". A message is immediately sent to the body to eat and supply itself with energy to survive. And what contains the most available energy? Sweet stuff!!! That’s when we feel the craving for another cookie, chocolate, a slice of bread or tiramisu, and drink another cup of coffee with two sugars.... etc. Yummy? Without a doubt! Healthy? not really.

Next: Are all whole carbs equal?